Sunday, September 02, 2007

Refuge prayer for a day of great suffering in Tibet

Yesterday, September 1st 2007, China's new "tulku regulations" went into effect, and we can understand that this was likely a day of confusion in Tibet. I am reliably informed that tulkus were routinely asked to sign declarations criticizing H.H. Dalai Lama as predicate to a determination of their own legal status. Naturally, this will have precipitated ethical dilemmas.

I have been thinking about this too much: it has been a theme running through my days. Really, in a circumstance of this magnitude, the only useful thing to do is seek refuge. With this thought in mind, I composed a shoddy little prayer for all those who find themselves oppressed by thoughts of "is" or "is not."

I take refuge in primordially perfected basic space.
Since sentient beings of the six realms are actually Buddhas,
I must awaken this true nature through the union of compassion and emptiness.

I vow to eternally shepherd sentient beings to enlightenment through the perfection of spontaneously correct action.
I vow to continually
appear where I am of the greatest benefit to all sentient beings, no matter what illusion of difficulty appears to arise.
I shall not enter Nirvana unless all sentient beings first enter Nirvana.
I dedicate all merit of the three times to the welfare of all sentient beings.

In a manner that is neither necess
ary nor unnecessary, there is this expedient necessity.

What does this mean? It means that if it makes some jackanapes local official happy to go through the utterly meaningless fiction of signing and stamping documents that have absolutely no basis in reality, then go ahead and make him or her happy. The Dalai Lama does not want to be the cause of your suffering, and he doesn't care if you denounce him or not.

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