"Fame and notoriety are both no more than an empty echo. Your reputation is an alluring mirage that can easily lead you astray. Discard it without a second thought, like the snot you blow from your nose." -- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
I do not teach Tibetan Buddhism. I am not engaged in building institutions, and I detest the concept of "centers" because I believe Dharma is ubiquitous. I do not solicit money for myself, and I am not interested in cultivating students. I am not selling anything.
That is not why this weblog exists.
In addition to being an exercise in web-based niche journalism, this weblog exists to chronicle my personal observations after more than 45 years of direct involvement with Tibetan Buddhism as expressed in the West. This is also an aide-memoire, or a digital diary if you like, that I use to record things of passing interest.
This weblog includes the work of guest authors, and sometimes, personal friends who fill in when I am on vacation. The views shared here are the individual author's own, and unless explicitly stated otherwise, do not reflect the opinions, attitudes, or policies of any other individual, institution, organization, or Buddhist community.
You are encouraged to leave comments. However, the editor of this blog is not responsible, nor will he be held liable, for anything readers say in the blog comments, nor the laws which they may break through their comments’ content, implication, and intent. That said, the editor does reserve the right to delete comments as he feels appropriate or necessary.
Hypertext links to other sites are for the convenience of readers. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the editor makes no endorsement of any links to or from his site, nor is he responsible for the content or activities of any linked sites.
This weblog includes the work of guest authors, and sometimes, personal friends who fill in when I am on vacation. The views shared here are the individual author's own, and unless explicitly stated otherwise, do not reflect the opinions, attitudes, or policies of any other individual, institution, organization, or Buddhist community.
You are encouraged to leave comments. However, the editor of this blog is not responsible, nor will he be held liable, for anything readers say in the blog comments, nor the laws which they may break through their comments’ content, implication, and intent. That said, the editor does reserve the right to delete comments as he feels appropriate or necessary.
Hypertext links to other sites are for the convenience of readers. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the editor makes no endorsement of any links to or from his site, nor is he responsible for the content or activities of any linked sites.
These days, because of my age, many people refer to me as Tenpa Rinpoche, but this is only a courtesy. I do not make any particular claims for myself, nor am I interested in what other people think about me. You shouldn't let your imagination carry you away.
This weblog and its editor are both impermanent. You are also impermanent. Granting that everything is impermanent, it is good not to get too excited.
The Editor