From the Blissful Pure Land of the West,
The blessing of Infinite Light's compassion manifested
As the blessed emanation of Padmasambhava,
And appeared in the Jambu continent for the service of beings.
Oh compassionate one, whose service for beings is ceaseless,
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
From King Thrisong Deutsen
Until the end of the lineage of Dharma Kings,
In all the three times, your blessings are with them, without cessation.
You are the sole benefactor of the Dharma Kings of Tibet.
Oh compassionate one, the protector of the Dharma activities of the kings,
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
Your physical manifestation is subduing the Raksas of the southwest.
Your compassionate mind is watching all the beings of Tibet.
You are the champion of liberating the ignorant and perverted beings.
You are pacifying the beings, who are emotional turmoil, hard to appease.
Oh compassionate one, whose love and affection has no end,
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When we face the bad times of the dark age,
You come every morning and evening for the welfare of Tibet.
You come riding the rays of the rising and setting sun.
You come, in person, on the waxing and waning ten days.
Oh compassionate one, who performs immense benefit for beings,
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
In the end of the five hundred-fold era, the dark age of struggles,
All beings experience the gross five emotional poisons.
They recklessly indulge their mind streams in the five poisons.
In such circumstances, please protect us, with your kindness.
Oh compassionate one, who leads the beings in faith, to happier realms,
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When we are surrounded by fearsome Mongol hordes
And the blessed seats of the Dharma are being destroyed,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen surrounded by the eight divisions of spirit forces,
Will without doubt repel the Mongol hordes.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When beings are facing illness which destroys the illusory body,
If they are endangered by the unbearable suffering of disease,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen, as you are inseparable from the Medicine Buddha,
Completely dispel obstacles, until one's life span is exhausted.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When the elements arise as enemies and the energy of the earth decays,
If the beings are in danger of facing the pain of famine,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen with the hosts of Dakinis of Prosperity
Will without doubt pacify the poverty of thirst and hunger.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When the fortunate ones are discovering Ter for the sake of beings,
WIth the force of confidence in one's unstained samaya,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen, as you are inseparable from the tutelary deities,
There is no doubt about inheriting the father's treasure by the son.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When we are seeking solitary forests or hidden lands,
If the path is being obstructed by snow or rain storms,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen with the retinues of powerful land spirits,
Without doubt will lead the way for Dharma practitioners.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
Among the beasts such as tigers, leopards, bears and poisonous snakes,
In the fearful narrow path of wild lands, when beings are traveling,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen together with the heroic Ging guardians,
Without doubt will expel the harmful animals.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When the obstacles from earth, water, fire or air
Endanger or destroy our illusory bodies,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen with the female deities of the four elements,
Without doubt will pacify the elements instantly.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When we are passing through treacherous paths,
If we face the danger of being killed or robbed by bandits,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen with the four gestures of his meditative wisdom,
Will annihilate the militant minds of the wild bandits.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When we are surrounded by armies of assassins
And face the danger of hurled sharp weapons,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen with his vajra-tent,
Will terrify the assassins and shatter the weapons.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When our life span is exhausted and the time of death arrives,
If we face the danger of severe suffering and torment,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
As Orgyen is the emanation of the Buddha of Infinite Light,
Rebirth in the Blissful Pure Land is certain.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
In the Bardo, when our borrowed illusory body has disintegrated,
If we face the sufferings of illusions and delusional appearances,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
By the kindness of Orgyen, who sees all the three times,
Without doubt the delusional appearances will be liberated in their own nature.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
Also, due to karma and circumstances,
If we are attached to delusional appearances and experience suffering,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Orgyen who is in essence the king of Great Bliss,
Eliminates delusions and suffering from their root.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
When the beings of the six realms are endangered by great suffering
And especially the Lord and Subjects of Tibet are tormented,
With strong yearning devotion, faith and reverence,
Without hesitation or divided mind we pray to you;
Oh Orgyen, please watch over us with your unwavering compassion.
Padmasambhava of Orgyen, to you we pray;
Please bestow the blessing of spontaneous fulfillment of our wishes.
(Discovered as a Ter, by Rigdzin Goddem)

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