Chinese 13th, M-T-K 13th. Monkey, Zin, White 1. If there is an upside on today in terms of earth stability, I don't see it. Today is baden, so no prayer flags. Too much thinking, too much disagreement, and general discord lead to lousy monkey days like today. In terms of medical astrology, this is a day for strokes and injuries to the extremities. I would get up, wash my face, grab a couple of mindless comedy DVDs, and get back in bed to watch them. Well, either that or actually practice. Trying to get anything else accomplished today might test your patience.
UPDATED: A 6.0 earthquake occurred 91 miles from Pandan, Catanduanes, Philippines on Jan 28, 2010 3:49:35 My interest in such matters should never be misconstrued as morbid; rather, I am interested in the remarkable precision with which Tibetan astrology has been able to predict these earthquakes. With the exception of those who habitually like to inflict calamity, nobody likes to see other beings suffer from calamity.
UPDATED: A 6.0 earthquake occurred 91 miles from Pandan, Catanduanes, Philippines on Jan 28, 2010 3:49:35 My interest in such matters should never be misconstrued as morbid; rather, I am interested in the remarkable precision with which Tibetan astrology has been able to predict these earthquakes. With the exception of those who habitually like to inflict calamity, nobody likes to see other beings suffer from calamity.
Consult our extended discussion of 2010 astrology by clicking here.
Published every day at 00:01 香港時間 but written in advance and auto-posted. See our Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for background information. If you know the symbolic animal of your birth year, you can get information about your positive and negative days by clicking here. If you don't know the symbolic animal of your birth year, you can obtain that information by clicking here. For specific information about the astrology of 2009, inclusive of elements, earth spirits, and so forth, please consult our extended discussion by clicking here. For that same discussion as it applies to 2010, the Iron Tiger Year, please click here. The remaining Ox Year baden senpo (bad days to raise prayer flags) are January 28; February 8. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory conversion tables. Daily Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2009, 2010. All rights reserved.

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