While you are waiting on the download, take some time to visit the Ju Mohor Monastery site and learn what is happening. Mipham Rinpoche and Patrul Rinpoche used to teach there, and considerable effort is being invested in its restoration.
Rinpoche usually tours Western Europe and New Zealand. We might try to get him over to the Western U.S.A. one of these days.
You know, there is a school of thought which holds that hearing this would qualify as a reading empowerment. I have heard it argued this way by people who presumably know what they're doing. Still, before you start ngondro, you should sit down and discuss the matter with a qualified teacher -- under the best circumstances, somebody in the direct Longchen Nyingtik lineage -- and in the USA, we are fortunate to have people like Tulku Thondup and places like Dodrupchen Rinpoche's center to help that process along.
Stick with the real deal.
Keywords: Longchen Nyingtik, Nyingthig, Nyingtig, Ngondro, complete, Jigme Lingpa

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