For quite some time now, I have carried a recording in my car of the great Kalu Rinpoche performing mantras of special benefit to animals. I also keep this on iPod, for the house, so the rabbits can listen. I carry this in the car because one occasionally comes across animals who have been injured in the roadway. Someone told me this recording is sometimes difficult to find, so I provide a free download here. This really is a treasure. If animals hear this only once, even incompletely, they will certainly be reborn as humans, and come in contact with dharma.

6 reader comments:
Lama, is there a way to get the mp3 file from the link? I can download the site and play it, but cannot capture the file.
I am sorry, I do not quite understand the problem. In the Mac OSX operating environment, if you click the link, it downloads the file and opens iTunes. You automatically have it saved. I am not familiar with Windows, but can't you just right click and "Save As" or something like that? It should be downloading to wherever your system puts downloads.
Thank you. I am in Mac OSX. It was a problem with Safari. I opened the link in Firefox and it downloaded to iTunes.
Thanks for letting me know. I am trying to figure out why Safari won't let you save.
How wonderful!
It has been hosted here for sometime now with commentary:
All the best and may all beings benefit.
BenefitAnimalsMantracopy.mp3 download works fine on Safari Version 4.0.2
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