A long time servant of the American people and good friend of the Tibetan people has passed away.

Because we have divided all that we seem to experienceinto polar opposites founded on mistaken notions of "them" and "us"We trade ever-present satisfactionFor temporary dreamsbelieving in the illusion of happiness and gain.
When, from the lust for independencein this world of interdependence,we selfishly cut open the earth's veinsI pray we remember the planet's wounded watersand how, from ignorance, we injured all beings in and around them
The shores that map our aspiration for water and earthdo not delimit primordial perfectionwhich is spacious and profound:by resting in one placeradiant blessings reach beyond the idea of boundaries
It is not for the inhabited waters alone we praybut for the wild places we do not always remember to seethis great ocean of misery that seems to come and gowhen we close our eyes, when we open our eyesInstantly evaporated when we open our hearts
May mistaken notions be tamed,May always possible perfection be realizedMay peace born within us heal the damage we have doneMay life be comfortably sustained for all sentient beings who sufferBy the merit of our clear awakeningBy the power of truth,
May there spontaneously come an end to the disharmony of the elements
in the Gulf of Mexico.
"Bend the bow of practice without slack.Attach the bowstring of commitment that's not feigned.Draw together the thumb and notch of connections and aspiration.To shoot the arrow is to shoot at every kingdom.To hit is to hit those with whom there's a karmic link.To satisfy is to satisfy their every wish,So that your accomplishment is to accomplish buddhahood in a lifetime."--Jigme Lingpa
"I have always admired those who are prepared to act in the defense of others for their courage and determination. In fact, it may surprise you to know that I think that monks and soldiers, sailors and airmen have more in common than at first meets the eye. Strict discipline is important to us all, we all wear a uniform and we rely on the companionship and support of our comrades.
Although the public may think that physical strength is what is most important, I believe that what makes a good soldier, sailor or airman, just as what makes a good monk, is inner strength. And inner strength depends on having a firm positive motivation. The difference lies in whether ultimately you want to ensure others’ well being or whether you want only wish to do them harm.
Naturally, there are some times when we need to take what on the surface appears to be harsh or tough action, but if our motivation is good our action is actually non-violent in nature. On the other hand if we use sweet words and gestures to deceive, exploit and take advantage of others, our conduct may appear agreeable, while we are actually engaged in quite unacceptable violence.
The ultimate purpose of Buddhism is to serve and benefit humanity, therefore I believe that what is important for Buddhists is the contribution we can make to human society according to our own ideas and values. The key to overcoming suffering and ensuring happiness is inner peace. If we have that we can face difficulties with calmness and reason, while our inner happiness remains undisturbed. The teachings of love, kindness and tolerance, the conduct of non-violence as I have explained above, and especially the Buddhist theory that all things are relative are a source of that inner peace.
It is my prayer that all of you may be able to do your duty and fulfill your mission and in due course when that is done to return to your homes and families.”
“His Holiness the Dalai Lama said at a media conference in Japan that he continues to support the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. He did rebuke us and said to his Japanese hosts that our activities should be non-violent. He issued this criticism in response to accusations by some in Japan who have accused Sea Shepherd of violence during our interventions against the annual bloody slaughter of whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.”
"I believe we have to be flexible. We cannot go around telling people what to do. We cannot be didactic. We cannot coerce people. Throwing red paint on a woman wearing a mink coat, or ramming a whaling boat on the high seas seems terribly romantic. However, the long-term results are questionable. We need to find a middle ground, between extremes, and then lead by example."
If you perform perverted deedsyou will not only elicit scorn from the public,but your delusion is sure to be curedby the punishment of the king and others.
Once, when I was around seventeen or so, I asked my teacher, "What is the point of all this activity?" I was referring to the whole Buddhist she-bang.
He was rummaging around in a Bhutanese basket he kept under his desk. He stored little packets of powdered herbal medicine in the basket. Without looking up, he answered, "There is no point."
"Well, if there is no point, then what am I supposed to be cultivating?"
He still didn't look up.
"Spontaneous correct action," he answered, and his voice sounded weary.
"That's all?"
"That's all."
"That's the ultimate?"
"If you want to put a name on it."
"So, how do I cultivate spontaneous correct action?"
He looked up sharply at that point.
"You could recognize that you have sense enough not to aggravate me with questions when you already know the answer!"
"Rinpoche! If I already knew the answer, I wouldn't ask the question!"
"Boy! Every question supplies it own answer when it comes into being!"
Empty road. Blame Jack Kerouac.
Bulging box office. Blame Leonard Cohen.
You, too. Where the streets have no blame.I do have a black robe that I keep for culturally non-specific first response, in case of philosophical emergencies. Sometimes I wear it when I visit museums. Wear it with a white shirt and the sky is the limit.
In most whorehouses, if you pay a little extra, you can get the girls to say, "I love you," and this they do quite convincingly. Even though you know it is not true, and even though you have paid for the service, they have the ability to make you believe that which is inherently unbelievable. They are able to do this because you have already suspended rational expectation; you have asked and agreed to be deceived, and in this vacuum, they tell you what you so earnestly want to hear.
Bright lipstick. Dark eye-shadow. Long lashes. Languid eyes.
"Baby, you know I love you?"