Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Horse With No Name

"The difficulty of Dzogchen meditation is that it is too easy."
                                                                   --Dudjom Rinpoche

A little while ago, a horse passed by but he was not walking or trotting or cantering or galloping. He was being hauled on a flat-bed trailer,  out in the open, behind a white sport utility vehicle with a weighed-down rear axle. There was a human, standing on the trailer with him,  apparently feeding him out of a bucket.

The picture above does not do the scene justice. It was taken hurriedly, at long distance, after they had passed by. The road is about twenty acres away. It is sunken, because it is unpaved, and frequently re-graded.

When I walk out the door to throw away garbage, and first encounter the scene, it looks like the horse is just floating along the road. He is standing, motionless, on the trailer. The SUV is towing a motionless horse. 

Being this close to the dream factory, you have to ask yourself if this is a lifelike statue of a horse, and a man, and a bucket. After a while, the horse flicks his tail. Is it a mechanized, lifelike statue of a horse, and a man, and a bucket? Any other moves programmed besides the tail flick? In the Bardo, you are going to see things a good deal more incongruous than a mechanized tail flick. You are going to hear sounds a good deal more startling than a whinny or a neigh.

What were we saying just the other day? Given the right causes and conditions, anything is possible? Maybe they are training the horse to be a parade horse: to maintain discipline behind a motorized vehicle. Maybe they are applying redneck logic, engaging in foolhardy behavior because they don't have a horse trailer.

So, then... before I drag out the Flashy Thing --

If you get caught up in appearances, then I can predict you will never become one of the Men In Black. If you let yourself be thrown by a floating horse, how do you expect to survive the gullet of an interstellar cockroach?

A little while ago, a horse passed by but he was not walking or trotting or cantering or galloping. He was being hauled on a flat-bed trailer,  out in the open, behind a white sport utility vehicle with a weighed-down rear axle. There was a human, standing on the trailer with him,  apparently feeding him out of a bucket.

Now, a horse weighs what? A lot, right? You can say that a horse is heavy, right? 

You would think it might be difficult to drag that horse, man, bucket, trailer, and sport utility vehicle across twenty acres, and then toss them up on this blog.

Actually, it was really easy.

Damn... here we go again --

A little while ago, a horse passed by but he was not walking or trotting or cantering or galloping. He was being hauled on a flat-bed trailer,  out in the open, behind a white sport utility vehicle with a weighed-down rear axle. There was a human, standing on the trailer with him,  apparently feeding him out of a bucket.

Oh, for goodness sake --

A little while ago, I threw away garbage...

A man once said that everything is a great, lying projection...

Like a movie.

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with Dzogchen.

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