Friday, December 24, 2010

Medicine Buddha App

Need something last-minute for the Buddhist on your gift list this season? Never fear: Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar has a digital Tibetan Buddhist solution.

It is amusing to consider how many Buddhists use the Jesus Phone. Most of us have one, or we're anxiously waiting to get one -- just as soon as they're available on a carrier that actually works and doesn't charge an arm and a leg -- you hear that, Verizon?

Anyway, now there is a Medicine Buddha app for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. You can listen to the ritual in Tibetan, while you read along in English or Tibetan, take your pick. It is great, it is free, and you know you are going to stop reading this and download it immediately.

This is from Buddhist Apps, where they have already developed things like the Songs of Milarepa app, and the Daily Buddhist Prayers app -- this last one, in particular, at USD $1.99 is really a superb value. You get basic daily prayers in Wylie transliteration, an English translation, and then the audio feature gives you word by word guidance. Visit their site to learn all about them, and get the links. 

You will also want to take a moment to thank David Lee Lerner (1964 - 2010), who initiated and funded the Medicine Buddha app prior to his death. Because of his act, the app is provided free to everyone, and has already touched thousands of lives.


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4 reader comments:

Produce Stand said...

Aw, no android?

Anonymous said...

Equanimity is an excellent meditation timer app. The charts to show practice over time is very useful indeed.

Access to Insight also have a free app that is basically the entirety of their website in app form.

zangmo said...

They DO have a droid app! Just found it today, FYI!

Sheila Shigley said...

This is a wonderful app; FYI, if you extract the audio, you will get mp3s of each individual section, as well as an mp3 of the entire practice (unbroken). The latter is higher quality than the individual pieces, so if you're really working to learn this practice, you may want to take that higher quality, long audio file and re-break it into its components.