With the deepest possible respect and admiration, we here publish a prayer for the great Kyabje Tarthang Rinpoche, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. We do not know the author of this prayer; we are told the author is anonymous for a specific reason. The reason is, this prayer captures shared thoughts of the peerless founder of Nyingma in the West, a living manifestation of the Diamond Guru: Tarthang Tulku, in whom the confidence of all lineages reposes. May it be auspicious.
Most Precious One, Dharma Lord, and Guide,
Worlds rejoice on this the day of your birth.
Giving voice to our heartfelt love,
We utter in gratitude this prayer:
May this earth in which your mighty deeds have planted the firm roots of Dharma, live veins of precious gold penetrating the unyielding rock, ever support your lotus feet.
May the waters of the elixir of immortality flow bountifully into your heart, whose ocean-like great love sends waves of blessing to living beings, overflowing the high ramparts of self-cherishing.
May the fires of vigor and vitality course through your body, so that the blazing flame of your wisdom continues to illuminate the darkness of this time.
May winds of joyful ease effortlessly sustain your consummate deeds, which lighten the suffering of so many through the profound gift of Dharma.
May space itself ever resound with your praise -- you, whose virtuous actions pervade the farthest reaches of the sky.
Inspired by the majesty of your vision,
Cherished by your infinite love,
Protected by your wisdom,
Humbled by your trust in us:
We invoke the power of earth, air, fire, water, and space, calling upon the great Awakened Ones to protect your life, health, and vitality.