Was doing some Riwo Sangchö, over a period of days.
The winds came up. They lasted for a period of days.
Lay awake in bed all night, listening to my heartbeat.
Was thinking of a far-away fire. A fire ten thousand miles away.
I did not see this fire; felt none of its warmth, saw none of its light. What went up in smoke, I cannot say. I do not know what the fire was fed. There was sickness, so maybe the fire was fed sickness. There being sickness, maybe the fire was fed the cure.
Over here, dust storms swirled around me. Ravens chased witches on the currents.
I received a letter:
In the practice of holistic wisdom, great perfection, all is meaningful. One is [not] in the center, to 'repel bad spirits' and have enemies, [this] is not the way of the yogin.
I thought about kings.
Once, there were kings. Each king wanted to be bigger than the others, and eventually, strife broke out among them all.
Time passed. Strife continued. The causes and conditions that produce kings dwindled and changed in their result.
Today, there are but few kings.
We cannot say postulated strife among kings was in any way a cause of the dwindling, dying state of kingship. To say that would only be speculation.
That quote above is from Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche
Once, there were kings. Each king wanted to be bigger than the others, and eventually, strife broke out among them all.
Time passed. Strife continued. The causes and conditions that produce kings dwindled and changed in their result.
Today, there are but few kings.
We cannot say postulated strife among kings was in any way a cause of the dwindling, dying state of kingship. To say that would only be speculation.
Someday, there will be no kings. Royalty will disappear from the blood and blood will disappear from the royalty.
I thought about kings, and since there was sickness, I thought about cells.
These cells are in the center. They repel bad spirits. They fight off the enemy of disease. This happens like a space dance, the way ravens chase witches.
We begin by understanding that thoughts about being sick or not being sick-such as thinking, "I am really sick," "I am just a little sick," or "I am not sick,"-are dependently arisen, that is, the idea expressed in one only exists in dependence upon the other. Another way to say this is that such thoughts don't refer to anything truly existent.There is, of course, nothing in the center of these cells except more space.
It is like having experiences in a dream . . . Sickness is not something that truly exists, it exists only in dependence upon our idea that we are sick . . .
This is why the yogis in Tibet have a saying, "My body does not get sick, my thoughts get sick."
We should use our intelligence to see that "sickness" has no essence. Then rest in that: in the true reality free of thoughts about being sick.
If we compare the cells to kings, it could be meaningful.
Or, I suppose we could call the spirits in from all directions, and reckon that we paid them off with swirling smoke.
As to the way of the yogin, this I simply do not know.
Or, I suppose we could call the spirits in from all directions, and reckon that we paid them off with swirling smoke.
As to the way of the yogin, this I simply do not know.