NOTE: We can take a deep breath, and enjoy a generally productive and not altogether unpleasant change from last week's wild energies. This is the final week in the tenth lunar month, and from a Western perspective, this week we enter the year's final month. Well, that was quick, wasn't it? Where did 2010 disappear? The time favors the impending Western holidays. This is not to say that the year's energies are entirely submerged -- we will see typical Tiger, and last week's conditions may continue to vex -- but, this is a good time to turn one's attention to the personal and pleasant aspects of life. Dare we say it? This is a good time to relax and try to enjoy yourself. We see clear indications of bounty, plenty, and gain, albeit with a few glitches. Be very careful of minor accidents -- a normal precaution this time of year. Our bottom line advice for the week? Practice generosity.
November 29, 2010 - Chinese 24th, M-T-K 23rd. Sheep, Gin, White 6. Acquisitions are featured today, and generally favorable material circumstances, but beware of accidents.
November 30, 2010 - Chinese 25th, M-T-K 24th. Monkey, Zin, Red 7. Good day for women and children. Generally favorable circumstances. If you have a special someone -- or, you are looking for a special someone -- this is a good day to let them find you.
December 1, 2010 - Chinese 26th, M-T-K 26th. Bird, Zon, White 8. Note omitted day in Tibetan practice. Dakini Day observed today. Anniversary of Tsongkhapa. Good day to give gifts, or acquire things for the home, but beware of disagreements.
December 2, 2010 - Chinese 27th, M-T-K 27th. Dog, Li, Red 9. Extremely favorable energies. Rapid, decisive actions will be met with favor. Good day for travel.
December 3, 2010 - Chinese 28th, M-T-K 28th. Pig, Khon, White 1. Today is zin phung. Mixed messages. You can meet with success, but not without cost.
December 4, 2010 - Chinese 29th, M-T-K 29th. Mouse, Dwa, Black 2. Take caution against seasonal maladies such as colds, flu, and so forth. If you are out in crowds, might consider the mask and the hand sanitizer.
December 5, 2010 - Chinese 30th, M-T-K 30th. Ox, Khen, Blue 3. Today is sojong. Today is nyi nak. No promising energies observed. Actually, today may witness mass casualties or unfortunate accidents.
Naga observations for the tenth month. The nagas are sleeping this month. No offerings are useful. Don't raise flags on the 7th or 19th lunar days.
Consult our extended discussion of 2010 astrology by clicking here.
Published every Monday at 00:01 香港時間 but written in advance and auto-posted. See our Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for background information. If you know the symbolic animal of your birth year, you can get information about your positive and negative days by clicking here. If you don't know the symbolic animal of your birth year, you can obtain that information by clicking here. For specific information about the astrology of 2010, inclusive of elements, earth spirits, and so forth, please consult our extended discussion by clicking here. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory conversion tables. Weekly Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved.