Friday, May 08, 2009

Sherab Khandro's Bronze Prayer Wheel

There's a gifted artist in Sedona, named Sherab Khandro, who works in several mediums. Above is her interpretation of a bronze prayer wheel, with 5 billion 120 million mantras (on microfilm). If this sort of thing interests you, she has a site you can visit. I once had the pleasure of having one of her larger paintings nearby me every morning at breakfast, and I found it exquisite. But, back to the prayer wheel... I have never seen a bronze prayer wheel before, but when you stop and think about it, this is really a very good idea. Prayer wheel production in the United States has been heading in the direction of sculpture for some time now, and bronze is certainly a durable medium. The piece above is priced at USD $11,970., and right away, people are going to say, "OUCH!" but really, a lot of that is tied up in the microfilm, which has long been the bottleneck on microfilm-based prayer wheel projects. It is nothing to go USD $7,000 or more on the film alone. I would personally like to see her start producing the wheels alone, and then have them filled with the traditional paper rolls, which is very easy and economical to do. I seem to like this lady, and I enjoy her work, and I believe you will as well.

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2 reader comments:

Anonymous said...

Shey is truly a beautiful goddess, the energy in her work is stunning. You really need to see it.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that Sherab Khandro was finally able to overcome the obstacles presented to her by that "person" and blossom forth as she truly is.