
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Daily Tibetan Astrology: July 18, 2009

Chinese 26th, M-T-K 26th. Bird, Zon, Yellow 5. Stay away from large outdoor festivals, fairs, or entertainments. Don't purchase or exchange gifts. Avoid disturbing the soil element. Other than that, this is the day to get a weekend project accomplished. Please note that this is also a particularly excellent day to make important requests -- there are in fact three factors in your favor -- so, if you've been thinking about asking the local magician for a rainstorm, to save the crops, today is definitely the day. Good day for a haircut.

Published every day at 00:01 香港時間 but written in advance and auto-posted. See our Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for background information. If you know the symbolic animal of your birth year, you can get information about your positive and negative days by clicking here. For specific information about the astrology of 2009, inclusive of elements, earth spirits, and so forth, please consult our extended discussion by clicking here. The baden senpo (bad days to raise prayer flags) this year are: July 2, 14, 28; August 10, 24; September 5, 19; October 1, 2, 13, 28; November 23; December 5, 20.

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